Wat doet de

AI ondersteunde mediator?

Conflicten moeten zo snel mogelijk worden opgelost. De Rsolve mediation-app is het perfecte hulpmiddel hiervoor. Eerst vraagt de app beide partijen om hun kant van het verhaal te vertellen. Vervolgens kan er, indien nodig, om bewijsmateriaal worden gevraagd. Daarna stelt de app een mogelijke oplossing voor die beide partijen kan aanspreken. Als beide partijen tevreden zijn met het resultaat, genereert de app een vaststellingsovereenkomst. De kunstmatige intelligentie weegt alle argumenten zorgvuldig af en geeft een onpartijdig advies.

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Conflict resolution in any language.

  • Just start typing in your own language; Rsolve will understand.
  • Invite your oponenent via email for free.
  • After reaching an agreement Rsolve will automatically send a written settlement to both parties. 
  • Settle any agreement as gentle and friendly as possible.

The Workflow

  • You buy the app. Only $ 3,99 for Apple or Android.
  • You sign up for an account.
  • You invite the other person through the app.
  • The other person downloads the app (for free) and signs up for an account also.
  • The app gives both parties a chance to share their view on the subject. 
  • The AI mediator starts asking questions and might ask for some proof as well.
  • If the whole picture is clear,  AI starts generating a possible solution for the conflict (keeping legal rules in mind). 
  • If both parties agree, the app generates a written settlement agreement that is being emailed to both parties.
  • Conflict solved!

Frequently asked questions

  • How about privacy?
  • We care as much about privacy as you do. To minimize risks of privacy violation in this app, ensure all user interactions are as much as possible anonymized before processing, removing any personal data or identifiers. You should avoid sharing sensitive personal data during your conversations.


  • Can I use the app more than once?
  • Yes you can. If you need to resolve another issue, you will have to pay $ 3,99 again. This way we can keep the usage of the app as affordable as possible.


  • I’d like my employees to use  the app when needed. Can I buy a corporate subscription?
  • Yes you can. We offer a monthly corporate subscription for $ 100,00. (max 50 users per month)

AI for Social Good

  • Pro bono projects and initiatives for social impact
  • AI solutions for healthcare, education, environmental sustainability, and humanitarian aid
  • Volunteer opportunities for employees to contribute their AI expertise
  • Community outreach and capacity-building programs
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